Una reserva natural urbana en la ciudad de Punta Arenas, oportunidades, beneficios, conflictos y peligros
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El presente trabajo de título expone la realidad de un fragmento natural denominado Humedal de Tres Puentes. Se plantea la figura de Reserva Natural Urbana en el marco de una nueva realidad que ha comenzado a tomar fuerza en naciones vecinas como Argentina y Uruguay, figura que paulatinamente suma adeptos en nuestro país adjudicando a nuestra región un papel protagónico al ser una de las primeras en integrar grupos comprometidos a nivel de Patagonia binacional.
Se exponen diversas posturas recabadas por el autor, antecedentes históricos y evaluaciones varias realizadas por diversas instituciones y profesionales que han planteado la necesidad de proteger este ecosistema incrementando los antecedentes del humedal mediante estudios encargados por el gobierno apoyados por diversos actores no gubernamentales.
Finalmente y en base a los antecedentes recabados se entregan comentarios finales que dicen relación con las medidas que aún faltan implementar para que un ecosistema de estas características pueda sobrevivir en medio del crecimiento de una ciudad. Se espera que la propuesta proporcione las primeras señales de un compromiso real de la ciudad con las nuevas tendencias mundiales las que incluyen la conservación, cuidado y manejo sostenible de un recurso natural único que amenazan con desaparecer si no es removida la conciencia social
The following papaer shows the reality of a piece of land named "Humeddal de Tres Puentes". It has been raised the legal concept of "Reseva Natural Urbana" within the framework of a new trend that has taken force in neighboring countries like Argentina and Uruguay, concept that slowly adds up more supporters in our country, giving our region an important role of being the first in joining commited groups from Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. This paper exposes several opinions obtained by the author, historical background and several evaluations made by a wide range of institutions and professionals, which have raised the need of protecting this ecosystem by increasing the recors form the wetland by means of studies commisioned by the government and supported by differrent "non-governmental organization's". Finally, and based on the obtained background there are some final comments related to the actions that not implemented yet to allow such an ecosystem to survive in the middle of the growth of a city. It is expected that the proposal provides the first signals of a real commitment from the community with the new world trends which include conservation, care and sustainable development of a unique natural resource threatened to disappear if social consciousness is not shaken up.
The following papaer shows the reality of a piece of land named "Humeddal de Tres Puentes". It has been raised the legal concept of "Reseva Natural Urbana" within the framework of a new trend that has taken force in neighboring countries like Argentina and Uruguay, concept that slowly adds up more supporters in our country, giving our region an important role of being the first in joining commited groups from Chilean and Argentine Patagonia. This paper exposes several opinions obtained by the author, historical background and several evaluations made by a wide range of institutions and professionals, which have raised the need of protecting this ecosystem by increasing the recors form the wetland by means of studies commisioned by the government and supported by differrent "non-governmental organization's". Finally, and based on the obtained background there are some final comments related to the actions that not implemented yet to allow such an ecosystem to survive in the middle of the growth of a city. It is expected that the proposal provides the first signals of a real commitment from the community with the new world trends which include conservation, care and sustainable development of a unique natural resource threatened to disappear if social consciousness is not shaken up.
Palabras clave
Humedal Tres Puentes, Protección del medio ambiente
Punta Arenas, 2009