Comunidades vegetales del área de Bahía Morris, Isla Capitán Aracena, Tierra del Fuego (Parque Nacional "Hernando de Magallanes")
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Se estudia vegetacionalmente el área de Bahía Morris en Isla Capitán Aracena, archipiélago de Tierra del Fuego (54º20'S - 71º08'W). Se considera que sus características geográficas y vegetacionales le imprimen cierto grado de individualidad climática y aunque no existen datos meteorológicos para el área, se asume, de la comparación de su vegetación con la de la Estación Climática del Faro San Isidro y con la de otras localidades patagónicas occidentales, que recibe una suma anual de precipitaciones del orden de los 1.750 mm. y tiene una temperatura media anual de 5,3º C, las que se desglosan en valores mensuales y se indican por medio de un gráfico y un hiterógrafo. Se discuten los suelos en relación con la vegetación que los cubre y los substratos sobre los cuales se han desarrollado.
The área of "Bahía Morris", at Capitán Aracena island, Tierra del Fuego (54º 20'S— 71º08'W) is vegetationally studied. It is considered that its geographic and vegetational characteristics give the area a certain degree of climatic individuality and even if local meteorological information is lacking, a comparison of its vegetation with that found at the climatic Station of Faro San Isidro, and other western patagonian localities permits to assume that it receives an anual precipitation of 1,750 mm and that is average annual temperature reaches about 5.3ºC. These values are expressed by monthly means and are graphically shown. The soils are discussed in relation with the vegetation they support and the substrata over which developped
The área of "Bahía Morris", at Capitán Aracena island, Tierra del Fuego (54º 20'S— 71º08'W) is vegetationally studied. It is considered that its geographic and vegetational characteristics give the area a certain degree of climatic individuality and even if local meteorological information is lacking, a comparison of its vegetation with that found at the climatic Station of Faro San Isidro, and other western patagonian localities permits to assume that it receives an anual precipitation of 1,750 mm and that is average annual temperature reaches about 5.3ºC. These values are expressed by monthly means and are graphically shown. The soils are discussed in relation with the vegetation they support and the substrata over which developped
Palabras clave
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia. Vol. 3, nº 1-2, 1972. pp. 103-130.