Relaciones circumantárticas de la flora vascular del archipiélago del Cabo de Hornos
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El 96,3% de las especies vasculares del archipiélago del Cabo de Hornos pertenecen al elemento fitogeográfico Sud-Patagónico-Fueguino; el Subantártico y
el Cosmopolita participan con 1,23% cada uno y las especies del norte europeo y
norteamericano y las exóticas representan el 0,62% cada uno. No existen endemismos. (En un anexo se incluyen las especies de estos elementos y se indica el límite norte de sus áreas de dispersión). Por medio del índice de similitud de Jaccard, cuyos valores se distribuyen en una escala de seis categorías, se determinan las afinidades absolutas (basándose en la totalidad de las especies presentes en cada localidad comparada) y las relativas (a base de grupos de taxones comunes en cada una) con la flora de localidades australes y circumantárticas. Las afinidades absolutas son medianas con la isla de Los Estados y bajas con las Malvinas. Las relativas son muy altas con Nueva Zelandia y las islas Malvinas; altas con Australia-Tasmania y medianas con el grupo de las islas Antípodas, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell y Snares y con Nueva Guinea-montañas indonesias. Tomando como base la existencia de 18 especies Cuaternario/Insulares y 21 Terciario/Continentales, se determina que la flora del archipiélago puede considerarse como de carácter continental, lo que está de acuerdo con su ubicación geográfica y sus relaciones con la flora de Patagonia occidental y los Andes Patagónicos.
96,3% of the vascular species of Cape Horn Archipielago belong to the South Patagonian-Fuegian phytogeographic element; the Subantarctic and the Cosmopolitan are each represented by 1,23% and species of the North European-American element and exotics are present in a 0,62% each. There are no endemisms. In an Annex the species belonging to these elements are included and the north limits of their areas are indicated. The absolute (based on the totality of species found at each locality) and relative (based on the presence of common taxa groups) affinities with the flora of austral and circumantarctic localities are determined by the use of Jaccard's similarity coefficient, whose values are distributed into a six cathegory scale. Absolute affinities are medium with Staten Island and low with Tierra del Fuego and the Falklands. Relative affinities are very high with New Zealand and the Falkland Islands; high with Australia-Tasmania and medium with the group of Antipodes, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell and snare Islands and with New Guineyindonesian mountains. Taking as a basis the existence of 18 Cuaternary/Insular and 21 Tertiary/Continental species, the Cape Horn Archipelago flora is considered as having a continental character, which is on accord with its geographical ubication and its relations with the flora of Western Patagonia and the Patagonian Andes.
96,3% of the vascular species of Cape Horn Archipielago belong to the South Patagonian-Fuegian phytogeographic element; the Subantarctic and the Cosmopolitan are each represented by 1,23% and species of the North European-American element and exotics are present in a 0,62% each. There are no endemisms. In an Annex the species belonging to these elements are included and the north limits of their areas are indicated. The absolute (based on the totality of species found at each locality) and relative (based on the presence of common taxa groups) affinities with the flora of austral and circumantarctic localities are determined by the use of Jaccard's similarity coefficient, whose values are distributed into a six cathegory scale. Absolute affinities are medium with Staten Island and low with Tierra del Fuego and the Falklands. Relative affinities are very high with New Zealand and the Falkland Islands; high with Australia-Tasmania and medium with the group of Antipodes, Auckland, Bounty, Campbell and snare Islands and with New Guineyindonesian mountains. Taking as a basis the existence of 18 Cuaternary/Insular and 21 Tertiary/Continental species, the Cape Horn Archipelago flora is considered as having a continental character, which is on accord with its geographical ubication and its relations with the flora of Western Patagonia and the Patagonian Andes.
Palabras clave
Flora vascular, Botánica, Fitogeografía
Anales del Instituto de la Patagonia, Vol. 15, pp. 5-24, 1984